

Index | Historical place

Historical place

Bodegasangabriel.com, 05/02/2014

The history
The winery ‘Bodega San Gabriel’ has all the characteristics of a new enterprise  (1998).  It is situated on the estate owned by the San Gabriel Brothers in the municipal district of La Aguilera since 1964.  A town that has long been steeped in the tradition of vine-growing.

Regarding all aspects of production, SAN GABRIEL wine is most closely and strongly linked to the French wine ‘Château de Briacé’ which is produced by our vine-growing Centre at BRIACÉ in France, in the area around Château de Briacé.

The development and progress of the vineyards owned by the estate, along with new plantings, the introduction of more modern technology, and also the vigorous controls on processes applied by the Regulating Board of the Ribera del Duero Denomination of Origin, have all made our SAN GABRIEL wine synonymous with quality.


Our wine is unbeatable, and therefore we would like everyone to enjoy it, with the guarantee of knowing that it comes as an authentic ‘Ribera del Duero.’

The careful cultivation, sensitive handling and constant monitoring – from start to finish – have enabled the production of the following wine types:  Tinto Joven (Young Red), Tinto Roble (Young oak-aged), Crianza (oak-aged) and Reserva SAN GABRIEL – all wines of great quality.


Geographical situation
Our setting can not be beaten. Our wines are unbeatable too.
An amazing, remarkable, natural landscape that has endowed us with exclusive conditions.  Climatic changes, as unexpected as extreme, coupled with the hard work and expertise of our staff, create exceptional grapes.  Our wine only hails from this particular area, where the natural environment offers unique and special qualities.


Sudden storms, strong winds, hard frosts, a hot, dry atmosphere.  Unpredictable contrasts that alter the normal course of events in the vineyards.  Extreme circumstances that create excellent quality grapes.



The soil’s exceptional qualities are due to the natural environment and the passage of time;  vines developed to yield the best fruit have been planted there.

The intensely cold weather delays the vine’s shoots.  The abrupt temperature changes bring about a perfect balance for the fruit during the ripening stage.  In the autumn fine quality grapes are ready for picking.

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